
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration



Today I remember my vision and heart for people to see God and not me.
  My friends and I went into a
hospital to pray for those who were sick.
  Before we entered we prayed together and my prayer was, Lord, let them see you today and know you love them.


I began to pray for a lady in the first bed and when I opened my eyes another women had left her bed to come sit beside me.
  She said, I have been waiting for you, would you pray for me?
  As we were leaving a lady grabbed my arm and said, “I know the reality is that you are girls praying, but I don’t see you I see Jesus.”
  She said that her heart was healed and that was the biggest pain she had.


Isn’t God amazing!
  It hasn’t been too long since I stepped onto the soil God called me to and already I am seeing Him fulfill the promises He has given me.
  He is in the business of love and it is simple:
  to love the one in front of you.
  Today I was able to love the one and know that people are waiting for God to touch them.

Lord, let me be your hands and feet today, this is my daily prayer…

5 responses to “Face of God”

  1. Awesome! I’m so excited to see how the Lord continues to grow in your life and use you as salt and light to this dark and decaying world!
    Your brother in Christ

  2. Marissa!!! I am so excited for you 🙂 I have told everyone I know that my friend just went to Swaziland. I am so proud of you and I am thinking of you and lifting you up in prayer. On my bag of potato chips the other day they had made this game and you collect words or something, but the word on my bag was JOY! haha, how amazing is our God?! I love you!!

  3. “…but I don’t see you, I see Jesus.” You want to talk about your life going to a place of significance…there it is girl!
    I still miss you and Heather and Ann, but know that we love you all. Keep being Jesus!


  4. I am so happy that you are able to do the will of God wherever you are. May His angels surround you always. I miss you. Mom