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Seek His face.

Many times we hear that we are to seek the Lord’s face.  It is a common theme prayed, preached, and conversed among believers.  The other night when i was praying the Lord spoke to my spirit and said ” many of my children are seeking my hand and not my face.”  It hit me like a ton of bricks- and I recalled times in my life that i put conditions on my love for the Lord.  I have made selfish requests in my prayers accusing God for not pulling through for me in things i thought I was entitled to or needed to be happy.  The times i suffered i could not seek His face, because i was too caught up inseeking relif or comfort from His hand and not asking Him what He was trying to teach me and reveal to me during that time.

Here is a simple truth that we all need to hear, “Jesus and the cross, is that not enough?” He gave us His Son, what more could we ask for!  Everything we need for life is found in Him. The cross in itself is worth our entire life and worth whatever we go through because we know that there is one who loves us and gave Himself for us. We know that this light and momentary troubles aren’t to be compared to the glory that waits us.  Why do we spend so much time wanting the Lord to do things that honestly may be just temporary ‘feel goods” and we miss out on really knowing Him and seeking His face.

The word promises that when we seek Him we will find Him.  There is so much intimacy in seeking His face and being able to love Him no matter what, because we know Him.  We know His
character, we know His heart towards us, we know He works all things for the good of those who love Him. 

If the Lord was interested in just giving us what we wanted then He would not be a loving Father.  Why? because He sees the big picture and He knows what will bring HIm the most
glory and be used for our good and the benefit of others.  He also knows that faith requires looking beyond His hand and trusting Him as we seek His face.

There are times I chose to look away when i felt God didn’t come through for me or do what I needed Him to do. There are times i accused Him- for what? For being God… what makes me think
i know what is best for my heart and for the kingdom.  I missed the part that says if you want to find life you need to lose yours, or I count all things rubbish compared to knowing Him.  My heart aches
to say that all I care about is getting Jesus- His face is all I seek.  The other things in His hand are good and a blessing, but if my focus is on that then I will miss out on what it means
to truley be a disciple of Christ and knowing Christ my Lord.

He is a jealous God and will remove things in our lives if we put the thigns He gives us out of His hand before Him.  Those things will never satisfy or meet the deepest longings
of our hearts. In those times we can choose to walk away or choose to know that because He loves us He desires all of us and we get the greatest gift of all.  His love never runs dry.
The treasure is in God alone; everything else is an overflow of His love, but God Himself is LOVE.
Things in His hand are good, but they’re not God; don’t be mistaken.  Forgive us Lord for seeking your hand and not you.  For loving you and worshipping you for what you can do for us and not for who you are.  May we never look oustide of you to find what our souls yearn for.
Return to your first love!  Seek His face, not His hand beloved. 

One comment

  1. 🙂 thanks. you are a leader. you are a teacher, most importanly– I thank Abba for you in Him and what you have to give by seeking Him with your whole heart and His grace upon you to go after the more– keep on my sweet friend- run, endure, enjoy!!

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