
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


What am I thankful for this year? The best way to communicate my heart is to share an illustration through the actions of a child. 

A couple of years ago I walked through the gates of Emmanuel Orphanage in New Delhi, India. I met the most beautiful children who greeted me with warm smiles and hugs. The children had nothing, they slept 5 to a bed, many with lice and scabies, all they owned was shared in one drawer with another child. They shared similar stories of abandonment , rejection, and being orphaned at a young age. One thing these children had was a love for God that tangible in everything they did and said. They would worship and pray for hours and believed God was who He said He was.

One day I was walking barefoot with three of the girls when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked down to see, Rina, 5 years old, take off the only pair of shoes she owned, which happened to be pink flip flops that were brown from the dirt. She put them on my feet one by one, they were two sizes too small, but I didn’t care…she then took me over to the water hole, which had no water that day. There was a bucket that had water saved from the night before that she poured out on my feet and began to wash them. I was overwhelmed. I saw Jesus in that little girl, she taught me something that day that has never left me.

She the only pair of shoes to me, she didn’t care about the sacrifice she wanted to honor me and bless me because she understood the value of our relationship. It was love behind the giving and the love she felt from me that compelled her to such a sacrificial act. 

This past year I have thought of the “shoes” in my life that represented idolatry. I thought how I would sell everything for those shoes and I even said to God, “anything but these.”   I thought those shoes defined me, gave me security and comfort and I called them love. Then those shoes failed me and I realized they were keeping me from the blessings and the true love of my creator. It was as if one day God tapped on my shoulder and said I have this for you: my son who died for you. When I understood that love and the value of Jesus’ love for me I let Him take my shoes- those worthless idols in my life. 

Since then it is as if everyday I get to open up a new present from God; a treasure, my inheritance from Him. It comes in the form of joy, love, peace, reconciliation, healing, the list goes on and on. I don’t miss those shoes and I am willing to give anything that He asks of me because He is enough…more than enough.

7 responses to “Thankful…”

  1. My old friend Marissa,

    It is truly an honor to have found this sharing of yours, and a Blessing to see that you are as compassionate and inspirational as ever. This sharing and its message has deeply been received by me. May the Creator continue to fill your life and the lives of those around you with the love, peace, joy, and happiness that I see you continue to bring others.


    Aaron “LeVar” Bell

  2. Msrissa,
    You are beautiful inside and out. Your heart, mind and soul have been molded by Him so you can show Hie love to every person you meet. You have always shown His light to the hopless..
    I love you deeply and pray He will always hold you in His arms and carry you through every valley. You are His light in this world.

    I love you


  3. This is a very good example for all of us. We worry about too many possesions and not what God wants us to do. This little girl was giving the only thing of value she had.

    I keep up with you from your Dad.

    You are in my prayers.


  4. Precious Marissa,
    I am overwhelmed by finding your blog. I would LOVE to hear from you and get an update. I have often thought of you and I miss you more than I can express. You will always be a special part of my heart and my story.

  5. Marissa,
    I stumbled upon some old e-mails and read our conversations. Adventures in missions was part of my life that I will always cherish because of meeting you. The spirit of God that is upon you, shinned through all of our troubled times during our missions. I am sorry that I lost contact with you but I will love to hear from you. E mail address is the same. I am so glad that I ran across that e-mail. You are truly a vessel for God. May He bless you by His Hand being on you
    Joyce M. Butts (my last name is now Ray) Just making sure you remembered me