
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

 God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.
  This has been my verse that I cling to in the midst of what “appears” a dark place.
  I asked my team the other night to describe how God has revealed Himself to them thus far.
  I immediately thought, “God is light” and I realized my perspective on life in Africa has changed.
  I think when I came before I noticed darkness and I let that discourage me at times.
  Now I am coming knowing that God is light and darkness must flee where His light is present.

I will give you an example:
  we had a time of asking the Lord where He wanted us to minister and confirmation came to go to Manzini.
  We piled in our van and prayerfully went to Manzini not knowing what God had in store.
  Our team was lead to the market place where we met a lady who was suffering from a toothache.
  She asked, “why are you here?”
  We told her that the Lord brought us there to pray and share God’s love with the people.
  I can’t really put into words what happened but in a matter of a few minutes there were over 30 people gathered around us to hear about Jesus.
  It is as if sitting in the midst of darkness when they saw His light they wanted to come.
  The Spirit of God fell in on that street corner and we began to sing, testify, and pray.
  People were getting healed in front of our eyes and I know it is because darkness must flee where the Light of Christ is.
  It is amazing to know that He is the light of the world and He dwells within us so wherever we go we are bringing His light.
  Glory Be to God!!!

4 responses to “God is light…”

  1. Hello Marissa!

    I agree with Shannon…you have pointed us and to the Light. Don’t you love the fact that darkness hides when light appears? Scripture talks about the people in darkness seeing a great Light and His name is Jesus…but He is using you to shine His light to the people there. To be honest, your light is still shining here at BCC too. Your life and your smile and your heart for God is still impacting so many of us here. So I guess that means that “my girl Marissa be shining her light a lot!”

    Keep shining for Him! I can see it all the way from here, half-way across the globe!


  2. God is unbelievable in how He reveals Himself in the midst of all adversity. Thank you for being His light, Marissa. We are praying for unity in the group and for God’s covering over all of you. Thank you for letting Him use you. Keep spreading His love.

  3. God is unbelievable in how He reveals Himself in the midst of all adversity. Thank you for being His light, Marissa. We are praying for unity in the group and for God’s covering over all of you. Thank you for letting Him use you. Keep spreading His love.

  4. Dearest Marissa,

    Light and Love is All there is. Everything else is illusion. Thanks for shining your light. Love, JoAnn